Tuesday, February 3, 2009

all bout bodosey aka Casey

Since Casey hardly blogs, imma gonna blog on his behalf :D

miiiehh no.1

yesterday night i sms-ed all my bodos this
"Love Bugs need hugs too! Muarks*"
and of all the bodos i sms-ed, only casey replied.
"??? Okie a big hug for u too ;D"

...Warthefishballs?! dahlarh my sms doesn't really make sense. Casey just made me more pening but hahah HUGS :D

miiieh no.2

today, we were waiting for Casey's sms to Rocky regarding what time we should go and pick him up. Rocky was checking his phone every 5 minutes in case he misses the sms. instead, *I* got an sms from him-_- and cause i did not hear the small ringtone i have set for my sms-es. we were 10 minutes late to pick him up.

so i sms-ed Casey asking, "we comin nw. sore dint c ur msg. y u dint msg rocky instead? u dont sayang him anymore?"

"aiya because alphabet B comes before R so sms u haha! i sayang rocky like diamond lols!"


i know indirectly rocky is a rock...but then again..and what kind of reasoning is that?!

miiieh no.3

"i seriously rather go haunted house then sit roller coaster"
how can 2 minutes of torture be compared with the scare of the lifetime?!! aiks!

miiieh no.4

"you know, if the person's thighs are big, means they USED TO BE fat"

HUH??!! hahahahahahhahahaah sylvia was like "my thighs are not small but i have never been fat!!!"

back to the drawing board for casey. sweats.

miiieh no.5

"sooo fulllll"
5 minutes later
"can we have french fries?"


miiieh no.6

"ah i very lazy to use my MP3 player cause wearing the headphones takes 2 minutes"
"HUH? 2 minutes?! slow motion? why so long wan 2 minutes?"
"ne like this."
proceeds to show 'taking out his MP3 player, wearing the headphones and putting the player into his jeans pocket'.
"........hello. that was like 2 seconds. maner 2 minutes?!"


you see now. why he's part of the bodo member. he deserves every right to be here.


Kc rocK said...

why is everything bout me on this post T______________T
sweat to da maxxx

ms.bulat said...

but its truee...:D

MrHello said...

Yaaaaaaz...i can be witnessssss

yuyue said...


Sylvia said...

hahaha....yup yup :P sei mei...hardly blog so now we got to blog about YOU.