Monday, December 19, 2011

My Work

A little updates of my work, especially to Rocky. I don't know what he imagined me teaching when we met up for dinner on Saturday at 6to10. He forgotten what I'm teaching. Must whack Rocky's butt already...Estee help me with that. :P

I'm still teaching piano at Plug & Play music school at Subang on Wednesday nights, Thursdays nights and Saturdays whole day. And since September, I've been a relief music teacher in Tenby International School at Setia Eco Park, Shah Alam and they're taking me as a permanent music teacher from January onwards. It's a different environment altogether and different type of teaching approach (from 1 on 1 to 1 on 25 students). This job was introduced by my boss from P&P music school so I am very grateful to him for that.

The school has a big compound and has it's own indoor basketball court and swimming pool. They have different blocks for the Nursery & Early Years, International school classes and Private school classes (Sekolah Sri Tenby). The surrounding landscape is also nice because it's just next to the Eco Park. I've never been to anywhere around the area except going to the school. LOL...

So I'm currently working at 2 places now.

As for my Amway business, I have set my next target of 12% in the coming January. The highest so far I've achieved is 9%...and I have to set my next goal in order to have this breakthrough. gambateh to me in finding potential partners to be in this network together and become successful together then go traveling together!

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