Wednesday, February 15, 2012

hugs 'n' kisses

time flies doesn't it?
before i could wish MERRY CHRISTMAS!
new year came.
before i could wish HAPPY NEW YEAR!
chinese new year came.
before i could wish GONG XI FA CAI!
valentine's came.
as i type, time is ticking away and soon it would be too late. so i fastfast wanna wish


hope you all had a great one despite whom you all spent it with in the end of the day. i mean after all, it's not meant only for your special half. i believe it's also a day to treasure your love ones be it family, friends or you know, girlgirl :D as long they are dear to you and hold a special place in your heart despite how small is the space. *laughs*

i LOVE valentine's. i know it's a day that quite a lot of people (esp. single ones) dread. but i personally love it ever since ....yea, ever since :P i just love it larh! maybe it helped that when i was in secondary school, making crafts to sell for valentine's allowed me to skip a lot of yea, knowing how lazy i am in general :P

as for me, i spent it with my dear ah pek. kakaka* rocky as long as i know, doesn't like valentine's day. other then the reason "overrated", there was no other strong reason why he doesn't like it. he did not even wished me "happy valentine's!" instead he wished me "HAPPY TUESDAY!" O_O

doesn't work okay! cause today you did not wish me "happy wednesday!"

personally, it was my first time spending valentine's day outside....i guess it was kinda shocking *laughs* and it felt weird to order a "valentine set".....-_-! i guess i am not those lovey-dovey kind of person...though i was more then happy to order "valentine combo" for my dessert! :D

all in all, deep down i was just happy that rocky took the initiative to go out on the day he hates most. *laughs* so although there was no cliche flowers, candlelight etcetcetc., i truly learned that it's really the heart and thought that counts.

btw ah pek, msg for you from my

"it's just a day for him to treat you extra special. every other day must be special too but v-day is extra effort for everything."
hope to catch up soon with my bodos!
it has been so long since i blog cause...i don't have a laptop/desktop. i know there is always my mom's ipad and my bro's itouch but no matter what, blogging should be done the former. it is seriously wayyyyyy easier. guess i am still old school-_-

credits : chibird.

this is for you bodos!!!
cause yea....must listen to your heart:)

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