Tuesday, April 5, 2011

drives me crazy

i try never, ever to use Mac Products cause i know they cost an arm and a leg (to me lar-_- not used to these big 4 digits thing) and cause i know once in, no u-turn.
and who the heck would have guessed in a million years, my bro would get a Mac product resulting in sometimes me using it more then he does *shame T_T*

if only the itouch has GPS, then i don't have to debate with myself sometimes, now and then whether to get an itouch so i don't actually kill my brother's one with all my overdosage of using it. hahaha :D confirm will get it if got GPS cause i confirm will use it and it will be a big help to me and rocky...since every we go somewhere "unknown" he actually prints out google maps and me being the navigator, very the fail wan la-_-

the only kns thing other then the itouch eating up my time (usually it's before bedtime, resulting in black eye circles huhuhu*) is the kns auto correct function that they have. -_-


grass love sounds wrong in every single way-_- (in a hamsap way too)

okaylar...mine very minor only cause this website takes the cake for all autocorrects. haha *click*
a drawing game that i have been playing recently (actually just help my bro play cause there is as much as you can guess and as much as you can draw) and i will spend you eat baskins if you can guess what is the picture above-_-
and one of the game that has been driving me crazy is this. i hate and love it at the same time. hate the fact that the blardy candy is effing fragile, needs effing a lot of patience and so many obstacles to go through just to feed the frog (??) candy.
i love it to bits and pieces cause the frog is sooooooooooo darn cute
esp. when the candy is about to reach him, he opens his mouth like shown above,
damn cute.
the xmas version, while waiting for the candy he will suddenly wear reindeer antlers on his head! :D
if i kiss him, will he become a prince? :D

1 comment:

Sylvia said...

Ahaha read map more fun than following the gps lor. Nvm la..it's the quality time u spend with rocky in d car with the road maps. Kakaka. Ask rocky get la since he's the one driving. :P

Ohhh the photo u drew looks like aquarium. Must be aqua plants and fishes on top. :D

I love cut the rope too! I would be so addicted to it if I ever have a mac product. Thank God I'm using blackberry instead. Hahaha.