today is the day bodoky and bodolat will be going to the hall of death.
maybe not for bodoky who has been steadily revising and doing his homework diligently like FOREVAAAAHHH before the test, but for bodolat who never bothers to lift a piece of note(despite the neatness, colourfulness and completeness of it) to even scan through.
bodolat wanna bring Patrick and Gebo in to help her tembak answers T_T
bodolat is getting ready to fail...or at least pass while bodoky is getting ready to score an A with stars and rainbow decorating the A. hahahahahahaha :D
so bodolat shall present this 4 leaf clover for the both of us. for luck is what bodolat needs and for bodoky who doesn't need it but bodolat wants to share it with him anyway :D
cause bodolat loves him that much to half her own luck /pif.
but actually what bodolat really needs is someone to *le'sigh*
happy food ♥ ♥ makes a difference in everything okay?
*self brainwash*
after hell, bodolat is gonna stare at her MSN wallpaper cause that's the closest to heaven she can get. (to forget the horrible hell effect no?)
♥ ♥ it's lovely isnt it?
bodolat watched the drama(ruri no shima) just cause half the episodes were filled with beach surroundings hahahahaahah but thank God usually Jap dramas don't fail bodolat's expectations very much.
bodolat has to admit, she is not a very beach beach person cause she is damn scared of turning darker than she already is (charcoalat?!...okay that sounded like chocolate ahahahahaha-_-') and despite knowing how to swim, out there in the deep sea it's different. once it hits deep waters, bodolat will start holding on to the person closest to her hahahahha like sotong-_-!!
but ahhh... at stress moments like these, やっぱり うみ の ほう が いい な。。。 ("the beach is the best" so it means and bodolat doesn't even know/bother to care whether that sentence is grammatically correct BLEAH)
wahhh very nice photosss of the seaaaa...makes me feel like wanna go to the beach with you all... how's your japanese exam, estee love and rockinky?? i'm sure both will do just fineeeee!!!! all my luck to you both and pray hard hard~~
urrhhh...just reminded piano performance exam is soon too..on the 11th dec..this coming thursday. T.T
it sucked.
it was too confusing
surprisingly listening was easy-_-!
but grammar and kanji was difficult. sigh
then right after exam i stepped on shit!
and everyone says its good fortune. im sure to pass the test!
wad kind of crazay chinese superstition is that?! oh well, i had my pasta and my strawberry parfait. alls good: D
i will aso wish u all the best MUARKS! Lucky kissuuuu
whoaaa...stepped on shit and say it's good fortune.'s strange but..anyway, it doesn't harm to believe in such thing...I GUESS.. :P
mmmm~~~ pasta and strawberry parfait...yummmyyy~~~
thanks for ur wish!!! muahsss :D i'll do my best in it.
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